
Adult Ministry

Many options are available for adults to learn about the Bible and to grow in their faith. We also offer many ways to develop close connections with other people.


Sunday School Classes

Two classes meet each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. from September to May.  Each has a different focus of content and style. Visitors are always welcome.  The class groups also participate in fellowship and outreach activities.

  • Alpha Omega (Adults and College Age)--Room 220 – led by Dave Peter.
  • Pathfinders (Adults and College Age)--Room 113--led by Kenny Hall.

Body Life

Body Life is a  Wednesday evening program that includes something for everyone.  The fall session is ten weeks and both winter and spring sessions are five weeks in length.  Programming for adults varies each session but may include Bible study, special studies of interest, worship, gardening, baking or knitting.  Outreach projects may also be included.  There are two or three adult options each session.

Body Life begins with a Sack Supper in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 p.m.  Adult options for study, fellowship and worship are from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Advent and Lenten Studies

During the seasons of Advent and Lent, there are special studies offered at varying times during the week to help us prepare for the mysteries of Christmas and Easter.

Older Adults

Book Club

The First United Methodist Book Club meets from September to May on the first Tuesday each month in the church library to discuss a book on the current book list. These books are determined by the members of the book club, and include fiction, non-fiction, classics and newly released books.  Contact the church office for more information.

Bon Amis

Bon Amis means “good friends” in French and is designed to provide varying activities and fellowship for older adults.  Excursions are planned to include events or places of interest within Indiana.  The cost varies and includes the cost of the bus, admission and often a meal.  Occasionally,  the group will travel to a more distant place and stay overnight.  These trips are open to individuals from the community as well.

For Your Health Exercise Class

This class meets at Davis Park in the Coyner Lodge on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5:30pm to exercise together.  Anyone is welcome to join the group at any time.

J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth)

J.O.Y. luncheons and programs are special opportunities for older adults to gather for lunch, fellowship, education, and entertainment. The group meets on the third Friday of each month at 11:30 a.m. Participation is open to individuals from the community.

United Methodist Women

United Methodist Women is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. UMW is the largest women's organization in the world, evolving from a commitment to mission and Christian service.  All women are invited to join one of our three UMW circle meeting groups who meet monthly, two during the day and one in the evening. Contact Peg Peter at or call the church office to get involved.